The Narrative Nexus

Helping Authors Navigate the Narrative Nexus Are you an aspiring author or storyteller hoping to craft engrossing tales that keep readers interested from beginning to end? Look nowhere else! The Narrative Nexus is something we’re eager to share with you. This practical framework offers a detailed process for creating gripping stories. The Narrative Nexus will […]

Adventures in KDP

If you’re like me, you’ve probably considered self-publishing a book (or two, or three). I initially published my book The Veil back in 2010, but it was primarily to get a few print copies of the book to give to some friends. The book languished for a decade and probably not a single person read […]

Writer’s Block

Writers block is one of those mysterious ailments that is blamed for late assignments, missed deadlines, and failed dreams. Some people claim it is merely a myth (I’m admittedly one of these people) while others find it plagues their writing. As someone with more than two decades of professional writing, editing and teaching experience, I […]

Writing is Hard

Since every literate person can write, most people think they can be writers. Interestingly enough, we all can speak quite well, but few of us would deem ourselves ‘speakers.’ However, this prevalent belief encourages beginners to say the oddest things that make professional writers cringe. If you find yourself saying the following, please stop: “I […]

Becoming a Writer

What’s the first step to becoming a writer? You’d think it would be “write,” but it’s not. In speaking to other writers and from what I know of my own journey to becoming a writer, I’ve come to realize that the biggest obstacle for new writers is that they don’t think of themselves as writers. […]